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        kids clothing hanging in a closet

        Parental Arts

        Kids' Closets 101

        As we all prepare to spend a little more time inside, why not use it wisely? Here, the founders of Maison Haven share the tools you need to create an organized closet for your little one amidst all the chaos.

        What are your essentials for an organized closet?

        A great closet requires a great approach. At Maison Haven we developed our signature three-step approach that works on any space: edit, organize, style.

        Step 1: The Edit

        We say, skip this stage at your peril! A good purge is always in order, but it’s especially important when it comes to kids because they age out of clothes so fast.

        Step 2: Organize

        Come at the space with fresh eyes. With the remaining clothes, categorize by type (pants, skirts, jeans, tees, pajamas, shirts etc). It makes the system a hundred times easier to maintain. What are your kids reaching for most? School uniform? Sportswear? Make sure those items are within easy reach. Stash lesser-used items like swimwear and formalwear further away.

        Step 3: Style.

        A space that looks beautiful is more likely to stay that way. So make a visual statement. Color-code if that’s your jam. Buy uniform storage for a cohesive look. Make it inspiring!

        Any hacks in terms of creating a system that stays organized? Do you code by color? Keep like items together? Organize by season?

        If space allows, move out any off-season gear. In an ideal world, bulky sweaters and winter accessories will be hidden away during summer, and shorts/swimwear will be out of the way during winter. Pro tip: don’t store the off-season too far away. If it’s stashed in the attic, chances are you’ll forget about it. We’ll either make use of a high shelf or under bed storage. The majority of the closet should be devoted to clothes and accessories your kid is currently wearing.

        What are your tricks for those tricky to fold or hang items like tights and skirts? What about sweaters?

        We design a system from scratch each time depending on the closet space. There’s no hard-and-fast-rule about hanging versus folding. If you have more shelves, folding is a better option and vice versa. When it comes to hanging, use mini huggable hangers because they really maximize the space. We love to include labeled rail dividers to keep things neat. When folding, acrylic shelf dividers are a great way to keep the piles neat; just don’t make them too high or they start to topple and look messy.

        What about tips for people who do not have a lot of space and are working with very small closets? What are your favorite work-arounds for this?

        This is super common as closets can be poky. Don’t underestimate the value of drawers. If you don’t have the budget for built-ins, consider a freestanding Elfa unit, or a simple dresser. If you add inserts or adjustable drawer organizers you can customize each drawer to fit your needs. To really maximize the space, file-fold. This works for everything from pants and socks, to sports gear and t-shirts. You’d be amazed how much you can fit in a single drawer with this method. Just remember to label the drawer with a label maker to keep the system neat. Another tip: use the door. Install an Elfa system to store shoes or baseball caps etc.

        Finally, what are your top Do's and Don'ts when it comes to organizing your child’s closet?

        Do feel free to stealth purge. It’s amazing how attached kids become to that itchy purple sweater they’ve never worn when faced with giving it away!

        Don’t shop for baskets without measuring the space. We’ve lost count of the number of times we open a client’s closet and find a sea of storage that just doesn’t fit. It’s a waste of money. Measure each shelf and sketch out a design before shopping.

        Do include inserts and dividers in your shopping list otherwise your containers will become a hot mess.

        Don’t forget to label. We label lit-er-all-y everything so there’s no excuse for the system to fall apart. Discrete labels on drawers and pretty labels on bin clips really pull together a look.

        Do color code - it’s a simple way to make a visual impact. And it’s easier for kids to maintain. While we’re at it, have fun with the design. Think about it, your closet is one of the first spaces you see everyday. It should make your heart sing! We love to use pretty trunks to store off-season gear or memorabilia. And remember, baskets hide a multitude of sins.

        About Maison Haven: We are two British friends on a mission: to redefine the way you organize, and arm you with the tools, tips and products you need to transform the way you live. Our luxe organizing company has been dubbed a home’s juice cleanse, 12-hour sleep and reset button rolled into one! You can follow us on Instagram @maisonhaven.