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        Founder and CEO, Peanut

        Michelle Kennedy

        Michelle Kennedy is the co-founder and CEO of the app Peanut which helps mamas befriend other likeminded mamas. The 36-year-old lives in London with her husband and their five-year-old son and new baby girl. Here's what her registry dreams are made of. Follow along @peanut and download the Peanut app now.

        "My nesting has been uncontrollable. I think it started at 6 months, and with 1 week to go, it hasn't stopped. My husband is exasperated with my "could you just carry/hang/lift" requests! I've renovated our family bathroom, the nursery, changed our carpets, done some painting in our bedroom, and I might now admit it's time to stop!"

        "When my son was born, I was given a cashmere blanket as a gift. At the time, it felt a little too luxurious to use on a newborn-did he really need cashmere!? But I used it everyday. Not too warming, comforting on flights or when traveling, and never irritated his skin. He still loves it. So I can't wait to get this one for my new little Peanut."