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        Mom Milestones

        New Moms

        Mom Milestones: From Sleep Regressions to Toddler Tasting Menus

        Moms record their baby's milestones, but what about their own? To celebrate the launch of "Mom Milestones: The TRUE Story of the First Seven Years," we asked doctor and cartoonist Grace Farris to share five milestones from the early parenting years.
        Written By
        Grace Farris (Workman Publishing)
        Grace Farris

        Mom Milestones is my love letter to mothers and caregivers who are either at the beginning of their parenting journey, or are submerged in the later years. It’s meant to be a celebration of the joys and merriment of parenting, as well as a send up of the less glamorous parts. One of the perks of having Mom Milestones out in the world now is that people send me photos of their kids reading it! Apparently kids are intrigued by access to the hidden inner world of mom. My hope with Mom Milestones is that readers will discover a fun respite from the grind and, as well as a sense of belonging. 

        Newborn Mom Milestone: You Understand Why a Nice Crunchy Salad Is the Perfect Gift

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        Infant Mom Milestone: Your Baby Gets Good Enough at Sleeping To Start Regressing

        sleep regressions from Mom Milestones by Grace Farrissleep regressions from Mom Milestones by Grace Farris

        Baby Mom Milestone: Your Baby Meets Sugar

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        Toddler Mom Milestone: Your Baby That Eats Mush Now Requires Multiple Course Meals

        toddler tasting menu from Mom Milestones by Grace Farristoddler tasting menu from Mom Milestones by Grace Farris

        Kid Mom Milestone: You Now Only Need One Eye on Your Kid at All Times

        bathtime from Mom Milestonesbathtime from Mom Milestones

        Grace Farris

        Grace Farris

        GRACE FARRIS is a mom, doctor, and illustrator. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Vogue, BuzzFeed, and Cup of Jo. She lives in Austin, Texas, with her family.