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        Parental Arts

        How To Survive A Day At The Beach

        Our top four tips for making the most of the sun and sand with your minis.

        Written By
        Liz McDaniel
        Anyone who has ever spent a day at the beach with their children knows that, well, it’s not always a day at the beach. As Memorial Day approaches, here are our top three tips for minimizing meltdowns and maximizing enjoyment for the whole family.

        Keep The Tote Stocked
        We've all gotten to the beach to realize we've forgotten something major - sunscreen, a rash guard, or the shade umbrella. Keep that from happening by keeping your beach tote (we love ones with extra pockets) stocked year round with the basics - and always having a beach or picnic blanket in the car.

        Bring Your Own Bucket
        Not only does a beach toy set keep kids occupied for ages creating sandcastles (and the subsequent fall of the empire as the tide comes in), the bucket in this set allows for easy rinsing of feet once they get back to the car - so you don't take the beach back with you. Just don't forget to fill with fresh water before you trek back!

        Bring a Baby Pool
        Seriously. It may seem counterintuitive to bring a pool to the beach, but particularly for destinations with bigger, less child-friendly waves, it’s an easy, low-stakes way to keep your littles entertained. Buy a lightweight inflatable model, blow it up when you get there and fill it with ocean water. (Pro-tip: It will be heavier than you think and carrying the pool from the ocean to your chosen spot is a two-person job.) Fill it with all the toys and cover it with an umbrella.

        A Spot for Baby
        Not only does a travel crib keep baby safe and contained while you play frisbee with your older minis, it allows for regularly scheduled naps when you're out all day long.

        Trust us, this is the closest you will get to relaxing at the beach with your children. Enjoy!