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        children illustrated as their astrological sign

        Parental Arts

        How to Parent a Sagittarius Child

        From expanding their horizons through travel to helping them follow through, Astrologer Alice Bell offers advice on how best to harness your Saggittarius child’s energy and intellect based on your own astrological sign.

        Written By
        Alice Bell
        Louise Lockhart

        Sagittarians are endlessly curious and always in search of an adventure. If you have a Sagittarius child, they may have a lot of energy, and they could often be coming up with new topics that they want to explore or places they would like to visit. They’re very open minded, and they may often ask questions or be pretty vocal about their ideas and opinions. Your Sagittarius child may love to read, travel, or keep learning on their own time, even when they’re not in school. However, they might get really excited about new projects or whatever they’re interested in at the moment, but then quickly grow bored. Because they can get so passionate about particular topics, your child may have to learn how to commit to things and see them through.

        Sagittarians also have an optimistic spirit, and they’re able to keep their head up in the midst of difficult situations. Your Sagittarius child may look at any obstacles they encounter as an opportunity to grow. Everything is a learning experience in their eyes. In social situations, they tend to be easygoing, and they may attract a lot of friends. Sagittarians are accepting of everyone, and their strong inner confidence tends to draw people to them. One thing your child may have to watch out for though is in talking over people or being bossy at times. They may feel like their opinions are the only right ones, and that everyone has to listen to them. Compromising with their peers or being more sensitive to the needs of others may be something they need to work on.

        If you’re a Fire Sign...

        If you are an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius parent to a Sagittarius, you match each other’s energy well. Your child might always be eager to go on a new adventure, and you’re usually restless to get out of the house too. You may like visiting the science museum together or going to a historical site. Any field trip that also has an educational component to it will appeal to them. In addition, you and your child may both have an appetite for travel, so you could want to plan annual family vacations to another country, where you’re able to show your child other cultures and help them get a different perspective on the world.

        Because you and your Sagittarius child both have fiery personalities, you may clash at times. You may be a bit impulsive with how you react, so it’s important to set a good example and not get worked up when your child is throwing a tantrum. You and your child can both be super direct and maybe a little impatient, so it could be that you are each helping the other to develop greater sensitivity. You’re at your best together when you’re sharing new experiences and encouraging the other to be brave and take risks.

        If you’re an Earth Sign...

        If you are a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn parent to a Sagittarius, you are able to teach your child the importance of following through on their word. Your Sagittarius child may get super excited about starting a new creative project or buying a lot of books on a specific topic. Halfway through, they may lose interest and want to move on to the next thing that’s caught their attention, or they may end up saying yes to numerous after school activities they don’t have the time for. You can help your child to not overcommit themselves and to be more realistic about what they say yes to. In return, your child may teach you to be more positive. You may quickly assume the worst when faced with challenges, or you could be overly critical of yourself. Your Sagittarius child can help boost your spirit and may change how you view the world.

        It could also be helpful to come up with fun ways to keep your child learning outside of the classroom, such as giving them educational computer games or practicing flashcards to learn words. You’re able to provide them with structure so that they can keep expanding their knowledge, and you may urge them to keep practicing specific exercises to enhance their skills in a subject. However, your Sagittarius needs freedom to do their own thing, so they may not respond well to having too many rules placed on them.

        If you’re an Air Sign...

        If you are a Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius parent to a Sagittarius, you may both inspire one another to stay curious. You and your child may both be big on learning and teaching yourself new information, so you may be eager to answer the constant questions your child asks you. Your child may often have big ideas that they want to explore, and since you’re more detail-oriented, you can help them apply their knowledge in a practical way in their everyday life. You may enjoy reading books to your child, or you could want to get them into exercises like journaling or practicing their spelling. You’re very supportive of how inquisitive your child is.

        In addition, you’re able to help your Sagittarius in social settings. Sometimes, your child may be a bit blunt or they could voice very bold opinions without considering how one of their peers may feel. You may want to teach them how to listen and ask how people are doing so that they can become a better team player among their classmates. Both of you like to be around other people though, so you can encourage your child to have their friends over for playdates.

        If you’re a Water Sign...

        If you are a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces parent to a Sagittarius, it may take some effort for you to understand one another. Your child might be pretty outgoing, and they may like to share whatever is on their mind. You, on the other hand, tend to be much more private, and you may like to be alone, reflecting on your emotions. It may feel like you can’t keep up with your child’s high energy all of the time, or you could be sensitive to how direct and blunt they can be. There may need to be moments when both of you go off to do your own activities by yourselves, and your Sagittarius will enjoy being given space to pursue their hobbies. The last thing they want to feel is smothered, so allow your child to do their own activities without hovering over them.

        You are also able to help your Sagittarius tap into their emotional side, and you may want to let them know that it’s okay to get upset. You’re very nurturing, and you may be good at offering insight or sensing when something feels off with them. Both of you have the urge to constantly improve upon certain aspects of yourselves and to grow into your full potential, so you may enjoy talking through your child’s problems together and finding helpful solutions.

        British Vogue's resident-astrologer, Alice Bell was initially drawn to astrology to answer questions in her life related to relationships, work and her emotions. Friends and coworkers began approaching Alice, looking for similar answers to their challenges. Even though she has helped numerous clients, she is still amazed by astrology’s transformational effects. Follow her @stalkalice. For more, find out how to parent an Aries or how to parent your Pisces children.