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        Gemini twin children


        How to Parent a Gemini

        Knowing what your sign brings to the parent-child equation can help you encourage your little Gemini's curiosity or set boundaries to keep your social butterfly in check.

        Written By
        Alice Bell
        Courtney Kiersznowski

        Geminis are the big thinkers of the zodiac. They like to read a lot, write a lot and talk a lot. If you have a Gemini child, they might always be asking questions or telling you random facts. They’re naturally curious, and they’ll probably excel at school because they love learning new things. Quite the social butterfly, a Gemini won’t have much trouble making friends on the playground either.

        However, you might have trouble tying your Gemini child down to a routine. Because their thoughts run at a million miles a minute, they get easily distracted. They’re always thinking about what activity they want to do next, and they’re prone to changing their opinions often. They might feel super strongly about something one moment, and then will have completely moved on to something else a few hours later. Geminis need this constant mental stimulation though, or else they grow anxious and fidgety. You might want to try getting them outside and involved in physical activity from time to time. It will help engage their body as well as their mind.

        If You're a Fire Sign...

        If you are an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius parent to a Gemini, this relationship comes easily. You balance each other out, because you’re able to put their ideas into action. Gemini is a high-energy sign, similar to yourself, so you and your child both need to get out of the house regularly. Your child wants excitement in life, and they’re at their best when around other people. Sign them up for dance classes, soccer lessons or gymnastics. However, you both have the tendency to start several activities at once and then lose interest shortly after. So try to choose one afternoon hobby and stick with it.

        You understand your Gemini child’s need to be independent and you readily give them their space. Because you’re both such strong individuals though, you may end up in arguments that neither one of you want to back down from. Geminis like to shock through their words, and in turn you might get easily fired up. Learn to not take your child’s insults to heart.

        If You're an Earth Sign...

        If you’re a Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn parent to a Gemini, you may find your child’s approach to life to be completely different from your own. They want every day to be different, whereas you like to stick to a schedule. Geminis have a scattered way of thinking, so your child probably wants to be doing a few different activities at once. Practice patience with your child, and show them that good things come to those who wait. You can help them focus better, and see a project through until the end.

        At the same time, try to be more open to seeing the world from their point of view. Instead of getting frustrated by all of their questions, encourage their willingness to learn. If they’re super interested in dinosaurs, go to the library and check out a book on the subject or help them master all the levels in an educational online game about prehistoric times. You can help them channel all of their thoughts into something more productive.

        If You're an Air Sign...

        If you’re a fellow Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius parent, you speak the same language as your Gemini child. Communication is key for understanding one another, so the majority of your time together is spent talking. You might always be telling jokes or making up stories to entertain your child, and you’re prepared to answer all of their questions. When they grow older, a natural friendship will develop between the two of you because you’re so like minded.

        You and your Gemini are both such social creatures, but over time you’ve learned how to not get so caught up in other people’s drama. Teach them to embrace their individuality and not try to compare themselves to their peers at school. Geminis also tend to get overly wrapped up in the details, so show them how to step back and look at the bigger picture. Get them involved in games that challenge their mind and open them up to alternative ways of thinking. Test their knowledge of words with Scrabble or give them a story prompt and encourage them to use their imagination to finish the narrative.

        If You're a Water Sign...

        If you are a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces parent to a Gemini this is a harder relationship to navigate. You approach the world with your emotions, while your child approaches the world with their mind. However, you can help your child develop their softer side and apply their inspiration to art and music. Geminis would love learning how to play an instrument such as the piano or the recorder, because there are so many little details to focus on at once. Drawing and painting can also give them an outlet that isn’t talking or reading.

        You may encounter problems when you want to stay home and your child wants to go out and play all the time. Be empathetic to their needs, but at the same time establish firm boundaries. You are a parent who is always giving, and your Gemini child might use your soft nature to their advantage to always get their way. Still, your child can help get you out of your comfort zone and you might meet people and see places you never would have before when you give in to their desire for new adventures.

        A Vogue alumna, Alice Bell was initially drawn to astrology to answer questions in her life related to relationships, work and her emotions. Friends and coworkers began approaching Alice, looking for similar answers to their challenges. Even though she has helped numerous clients, she is still amazed by astrology’s transformational effects. Follow her @stalkalice.

        This article is part of an ongoing series about parenting by sign. Read about parenting a Pisces or Taurus.