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        In Partnership With Mirror

        Fitness That Fits My Lifestyle

        After a kid-induced exercise hiatus, our co-founder turned to this sleek, interactive home gym to resurrect her workout routine.

        Written By
        Sylvana Durrett
        I admit, I never was one to get excited over an exercise class … or exercise in general, for that matter. I'm of the middle-aged-mom-skinny-flabby-low-muscle-tone type who requires minimal maintenance, and generally looks okay in clothes but is certainly not posing semi-nude on Insta.

        Before kids, I took the occasional Pilates class, dabbled in spin and of course, walked if the weather was decent. For someone with this level of motivation, you can understand why, with a house full of three kids, my workout routine was the first thing to fall by the wayside. I like to pretend that running after my kids is enough, but if I’m being honest, I know that working out isn’t just about looking good. It’s about feeling good. So, in an effort to turn over a new leaf in 2019 (but mostly because my family's vacation to Jamaica will require me to be seen in swimwear), I welcomed the Mirror into my home, and well, it is amazing.

        "When you’re not using it to exercise, you’ll appreciate the full-length mirror."
        All you need to get started is a mat and your hand. To activate your workout, simply turn on the Mirror and swipe through to choose from over 65 new, live classes aired every week. (Yes, it's really live, and instructors actually shout out personal encouragement in real time.) You can also choose from a library of on-demand classes ranging from cardio and strength training to yoga and boxing. You can choose your instructor, your workout playlist and even sync a Bluetooth heart-rate monitor or Apple watch to track your ability to achieve and maintain your target heart rate.

        Mirror brings a fully customized workout to me, tailored to my mood, goals and preferences. The equipment itself is sleek and discreet, and when you’re not using it to exercise, you’ll appreciate the full-length mirror. Even when Millie is hanging off me, or rolling around on the rug, the Mirror is there to bring my focus back.

        After almost a decade of running from workouts, it’s safe to say that I've found a mom-flexible, non-judgey workout solution that lives right in my home and doesn't talk back to me.