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        assortment of gifts for newborns like onesies and blankets

        Gift Ideas

        12 Unique Newborn Baby Gift Ideas

        There are few things better than welcoming a new baby into your crew, so naturally, you want to celebrate the littlest member with a gift. But unlike gift shopping for, say, your spouse or friend who has it all, a new baby needs it all, so the choices are almost endless. And cute. Everything is irresistibly cute.

        So how to whittle down the options? Baby gift ideas can range from purely practical to over-the-top adorable. The direction you go in is up to you, since the new arrival is sure to receive plenty of both.
        Written By
        Kaitlin Madden

        If you need more guidance, though, think about where the baby falls in the family lineup: for parents of a first child, anything goes, since they’re likely to need all sorts of items. At the same time, it’s a good idea to think beyond the next few months. For one, the parents will likely receive a ton of items for the early weeks. But babies grow fast, so gifts the little one can use in a few months (or even a year or two) will be appreciated and less likely to be redundant.

        For second or third children and beyond, great gift ideas for a baby include those sensible items the family may have run out of or gotten rid of after the first baby. Things like lotions and soaps, pacifiers, bibs, and bottles are always useful. But, because second and third children often get lots of hand-me-downs, it’s also a nice idea to get them a few new baby clothes or a special keepsake of their own, like a first -year milestone blanket for monthly photos, something monogrammed, or a memory book.

        Whatever sort of present you’re looking for, we’ve rounded up our favorite new baby gift ideas that are sure to bring on the oohs, aahs, and awws.

        A lotion and baby wash duo

        We love Bubbsi, which is made from Coconut Oil and was created by a New York City mom who wouldn’t find a natural cure for her daughter’s eczema. Aside from its pure ingredients, the baby bath product smells simply delicious, and the squishy, refillable containers double as darling bath toys.


          Bubbsi gift for a newbornBubbsi gift for a newborn

          Monogrammable onesie

          A new name is something that should be shown off! An embroidered onesie not only makes an adorable outfit, but when the baby grows out of it, it’s a cute keepsake. Better yet? Gift it with a shadowbox frame so the parents can display the it in the nursery when it no longer fits.


            monogrammable onesie for a newborn baby giftmonogrammable onesie for a newborn baby gift


            The one gift that’s universally appreciated by new parents? Diapers. Find out what kind they’ll be using, then purchase a few boxes in different sizes.


              momma and newborn in cloth diapermomma and newborn in cloth diaper

              Plush Toy

              Stuffed animals are a classic new baby gift idea, but why not elevate the tradition? The sweet plush animals from boutique brand Pamplemousse Peluches are handmade in France, so they’ll not only stand up to the title (and test) of childhood best friend, they’ll look chic on the nursery shelf until it’s playtime.


                girl with Pamplemousse Peluchesgirl with Pamplemousse Peluches

                Personalized cup

                Monogrammed outfits are one of our favorite personalized baby gifts, but the only drawback is that little ones eventually grow out of them. If you’re looking for a keepsake with a longer lifespan, this engraved cup is a perfect pick. It’s made from hand-polished, lead-free pewter, so it’s beautiful, durable, and safe to drink from.


                  personalized cup gift for a newborn babypersonalized cup gift for a newborn baby

                  A Playmat

                  Prefer a practical gift? A playmat is an essential that’ll get plenty of use in the early months, first for tummy time, and later as a safe spot for baby to explore their surroundings and practice new skills like rolling over and sitting up.


                    playmat for newborn baby playmat for newborn baby

                    Step stool

                    Baby might not be ready for a step stool quite yet, but it’s one of the most versatile toddler necessities a parent can have. From washing hands, to baking cookies, to helping themselves to a snack, a quality step stool will be useful for years to come.

                    To make it extra special, go for a monogrammed step stool.


                      step stool newborn giftstep stool newborn gift

                      Baby bouncer or DockATot

                      A baby bouncer that’s easily portable is a safe, fun place for baby to hang out. However, it’s also a lifesaver for new parents who will eventually have to put the baby down to shower/cook/get dressed in the morning. We love the Dock-a-tot (babies give it rave reviews, too!) because it’s cozy and you can change the cover to match your decor.


                        Baby bouncerBaby bouncer

                        A baby blanket

                        Ask any parent, and they’ll tell you that you can never have too many baby blankets. Lightweight versions are great for swaddling, while heavier versions can keep baby warm in the stroller or car seat. Later on, baby blankets can be used as makeshift play mats or picnic blankets, and they make ideal bedding for toddler beds, among (many) other things.

                        For a built-in photo opp, we love Lulujo milestone blankets.


                          baby blanket with strawberriesbaby blanket with strawberries

                          Bibs and burp cloths

                          Outside of bottles and diapers, there’s a good chance bibs and burp cloths are the items a new parent will reach for most often in the early days. Give the gift of more time between loads of laundry by helping them stock up on both.


                            Bibs and burp clothsBibs and burp cloths

                            An adorable outfit

                            If the parents are the type that’ll love playing dress-up with baby, you can’t go wrong with a fun outfit for baby girls or boys. To make the gift idea more unique, choose something with a specific holiday, season, or special event in the future (like Halloween pajamas or a raincoat for spring). Just be sure to consider the baby’s birthday and future size when ordering.


                              An adorable outfitAn adorable outfit

                              A baby bathrobe

                              Nothing’s cuter than a freshly-bathed baby in a bathrobe. Except maybe a freshly-bathed baby in an elephant bathrobe. We love Mon Ami’s animal-themed robes that’ll guarantee some precious photo ops.


                                A baby bathrobeA baby bathrobe

                                What do you buy newborn parents?

                                While it’s always fun to gift something to the new baby, don’t forget about mom and dad! A few of the best gifts for new moms include: monogrammed jewelry with the new baby’s initials, nursing-friendly sweaters (or sundresses!), a middle-of-the-night kit, and gift certificates for coffee or takeout.

                                What to buy siblings when baby arrives?

                                If the new baby has a brother or sister(s), it’s always a nice gesture to celebrate their new sibling status with a small gift, too. Plus, it can help ease any new baby jealousy. If you’re thinking about sending a sibling gift, try a matching outfit set, an heirloom toy to commemorate the occasion or a book that helps explain their new role