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        Elaina Bellis with her twins

        My Favorite Escape

        Elaina Bellis' Spring Break Picks

        As a person, aesthetics are important to Elaina: She grew up with a father who was a photographer, modeled for years, works as an art director and is married to a photographer. As a mom to twin Pisces, she has also learned the importance of ocean time for her two little fishes, Quincy and Rowe. In short, she's the perfect person for chic packing advice — especially if you're headed somewhere low-key and beachy like Encinitas, CA.

        Some of Her Faves...

        "It's not easy packing for twins; there's so much to think about. Two things I can't live without are Baby Bum SPF and Minnow swimwear!"

        Elaina Bellis at the beachElaina Bellis at the beach

        "My girls are Pisces, which is a water sign, so they love nothing more than swimming in the ocean!"

        To keep up with Elaina’s adventures, follow her @laylaygibson.
        Elaina BellisElaina Bellis