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        Maisonette Muse

        Diane Kruger

        German-American actress Diane Kruger has won numerous awards for various film roles but her biggest role to date has been motherhood. When her daughter arrived, she focused on gender neutral essentials in a chic and subdued palette. Here are a few of her favorites. Follow along @dianekruger

        Diane's Must Haves

        "When it came to nesting I wanted a gender neutral nursery. So grey, white and just hints of pinks and blues were the colors I focused on."

        Diane's Nursery Decor Picks

        "Making a registry can be overwhelming. I concentrated on things I would definitely need for the first three months. A lot of it is trial and error. I asked a lot of my girlfriends who recently had babies about what they REALLY needed."

        Diane's Extra-Special Gifts