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        Mom Hacks

        Candice Miller on Building a Back to School Wardrobe

        Cue the “But Mom, I want to wear the purple one!” protests because it’s that time again. Planning your child’s back to school wardrobe can be overwhelming at best and insanity-inducing at worst. So we caught up with Candice Miller—mama of two, founder of Mama & Tata, and the new womenswear collection Black Iris—on how to make a (very chic) game plan. From where to splurge and where to save to how to keep those chaotic mornings under control, she shares her best tips for finding the fun in back to school.
        Mimi Crawford
        How do you approach back to school shopping with your girls? Do you tend to handle yourself or are they involved?

        We like to do back to school shopping together since my girls do not have a school uniform and like to express their personal style. However, they definitely know that I have the final edit! I typically go to a few shops out east in the Hamptons to select our basics, then for more unique pieces, we search online together at Bonpoint and Maisonette. If we need to fill in the gaps we go on Zara kids.

        What's your favorite thing to splurge on for back to school?

        We always go to select a special first day outfit for meeting their new classmates. This also makes for the cutest first day photo op! Typically it’s a dress…they love the mini Brock collection and anything by Bobo Choses!

        Is there anything you've bought that turned out to be not the best idea?

        I bought tons of beautiful Mary Janes, ballet slippers and boots without a rubber sole, which essentially were never used because despite their beauty, children in school need practical, everyday shoes. So, that wasn’t money well spent!

        Any tips for choosing things that work together in many different ways or other suggestions to simplify the getting dressed process?

        I like to buy an outfit! It makes the dressing process quick, and doesn't allow room for too many opinions, if you know what I mean! We buy a lot of stockings, a lot of long sleeve dresses and neutral sweaters that work with everything. We find two great pairs of sneakers to alternate for school activities, and a simple pair of black and tan boots to be worn with any of their looks. Snow boots and rain boots are a must—we love Hunter. Sweats by Aviator Nation are adorable and I allow them to be worn at school for cozy winter days, those are the obvious favorite!

        What are a few of your favorite Maisonette pieces for back to school?

        Anything Bobo Choses, dresses by Caramel, quilted jackets and dresses by Lindsey Berns.

        I am hoping to launch a mini Black Iris collection soon, so depending on when we begin, that will also be on my list!

        Any hacks for simplifying the morning routine?

        We leave everything out the night before so that there’s no “ifs ands or buts” in the morning!