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        Little girl standing in front of her house, holding a flag that says "2nd Grade"

        Parental Arts

        5 Fun Ways to Celebrate the First Day of School

        For many families, the first day of school is going to look a little different this year—and it might not begin with the traditional meetup with friends at the bus stop. But perhaps more than ever, it’s an event worth remembering… and celebrating. Make the day feel special, and mark the start of what’s sure to be a unique school year, with one of these fun ideas. Who knows, you might even turn one (or more!) of them into a yearly tradition.

        Take a Creative “First Day” Photo

        There’s nothing wrong with a classic letterboard shot, taken outside your home or even in front of the school building if you’re up for a walk or drive before the day gets going. But if you want a photo that truly reflects what this year’s first day looks like, bring in elements of your child’s new school routine. Have your littles pose in PJs holding their laptops, coordinate their outfits with matching masks, or let them pick out their silliest ensembles (dress up costumes, anyone?) since they’ll be home anyway.

        Decorate their Workspace

        This is one area where a little effort goes a long way. If your kids are doing virtual school, make sure they’re set up with a dedicated place to work (whether that’s a corner of their own bedroom, in a playroom or family room, or wherever your family has the space) and corral and organize all the supplies they’ll need. Surprise them on that first day with some paper garlands around their workspace, balloons tied to their chair, and streamers on their desk.

        Plan a Special Lunch

        Even though they may not be toting a lunchbox to school, it will still make life easier for you to prep and pack their meal in advance so that come midday, you’re not scrambling to put lunch together. Include some fun first-day surprises (sandwiches cut out into fun shapes with cookie cutters, a special sweet treat, a little note or drawing) and pack it all into their lunchbox. Take it outside for a lunchtime picnic (you could even invite neighbors to join from a safe social distance), or set up a zoom lunch date with your child’s friends.

        Make a Time Capsule

        These are fun to make for any first day, but especially during Covid, when the first day of school is sure to be quite different from the last one. Find a printable questionnaire online so your little one can answer questions about themselves and capture some of their favorites, thoughts, and goals. Measure their height and include it on a notecard or even measure it with a string. And include a few “momentos” from this time, like a spare disposable mask and bottle of hand sanitizer. You can even turn decorating the box or jar into a fun craft project. Then choose a hiding spot together, and tuck it away until the last day of school.

        Schedule an After-School Playdate

        After making it through the first day of this new setup, kids will definitely deserve some time with their friends. Variations in virus-related restrictions from one locale to the next mean this will look different for everyone, but whether it’s a socially-distanced backyard meetup or a zoom chat, a little socializing to end the day will be good for everyone.