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        1. Le Scoop
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        3. Holiday Activities
        a little girl holding up a yellow heart-shaped purse

        Parental Arts

        DIY Valentine's Accessory

        Los Angeles based set-designer and mother of two, Chloe Fleury, shares a DIY Valentine's accessory you and your little will love.
        in process drawing a heartin process drawing a heart

        Things you will need: a piece of paper, white cardboard, foam paper, beads and cording, sticker gems (we like the ones from Super Smalls), white tape and colored tape.

        Step 1: Fold your piece of paper in half and draw one side of a heart then cut. Ours unfolded is about 5 x 5.5 in.

        Step 2: Draw two hearts on the white cardboard using your paper heart. Cut two rectangles (4.5 x 1.75 in) and score along the lines, then fold.

        covering heart box with red tapecovering heart box with red tape

        Step 3: Assemble the hearts with the sides using the white tape.

        Step 4: Now cover the sides with the colored tape of your choice.

        Step 5: On the foam paper in the colors of your choice, cut two hearts for the front and back of the purse.

        beading Valentine purse handlesbeading Valentine purse handles

        Step 6: Make your handle using the cording and beads, it can be a short or long handle, it can be single cord or double, have a message on it... anything you like, be creative!

        Step 7: Make a small hole on each side of the purse using a big needle or a nail.

        decorating boxes with stick on earringsdecorating boxes with stick on earrings

        Step 8: Once you have inserted the cord into the hole, tie a couple of knots to secure it.

        Step 9: Decorate your purse with your gem stickers, you can write a message, draw a happy face, make lines, flowers...enjoy!

        Valentine purse with sticker faceValentine purse with sticker face