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        colorful illustration of children dressed as astrological symbols

        Holiday Spectacular

        2021 Horoscopes for Kids

        In the spirit of moving on, we went ahead and asked British Vogue’s resident astrologer Alice Bell what 2021 has in store for the littlest ones in our lives. Behold, your child’s year ahead:

        The coming year will be bringing some much needed new energy. As Jupiter and Saturn both head into Aquarius and face off with Uranus in Taurus, innovation, progress, and forward thinking will become more of a focus. Your child will want to get creative in all walks of their life. They may also feel urged to get involved in bigger group activities, or feel like they’re contributing to other people’s lives in a positive way—even if virtually. Based on their star sign though, these interests may show up differently. Keep reading to see what you can expect for your child
        in the year to come.
        Written By
        Alice Bell
        Louise Lockhart


        March 21-April 19
        Your Aries child will crave social interaction over the coming year. They might be making a lot of new friends, as well as realizing how they can be more of a team player in group settings. Particularly if they are still learning remotely, you may want to encourage (and monitor) a new social network. In addition, their material values might be evolving. It could be that your Aries is interested in completely different toys or clothing, and they may also be considering what activities are worth putting their time and energy toward.
        colorful illustration of child dressed as Aries ramcolorful illustration of child dressed as Aries ram


        April 20-May 20
        Schoolwork is a top priority for your Taurus child this year. They might be setting ambitious goals for what they want to accomplish, and they could be talking a lot more about what they want to be when they grow up. They will crave greater responsibility, and they may also be taking on a leadership role in the classroom. It could also be that your Taurean is switching up their style or their personal interests are changing. They will need the freedom to experiment with different ways of expressing themselves.
        colorful illustration of child dressed as Taurus bullcolorful illustration of child dressed as Taurus bull


        May 21-June 20
        Your Gemini child will want to explore and learn as much as possible this year. They could pick up an interest in different cultures, or they may want to start learning small phrases of a foreign language. It may also be that your Gemini becomes an avid reader, or is more willing to share their opinions. They are understanding that there is more to the world than just their immediate surroundings. At times though, they may need their privacy. Their emotions might be a little unpredictable, so there may be random moments when they want to be alone.
        colorful illustration of children dressed as Gemini twinscolorful illustration of children dressed as Gemini twins


        June 21-July 22
        This year your Cancer child will be a bit more introspective. They might be asking “why?” often, wanting to deeply understand other people and their relationships. Your Cancerian could also be gaining a better understanding of their own emotions, as well as realizing how they can change their reactions to be more positive when faced with challenging situations. Their friendships could be evolving too, and they may seek out a different group of peers. They won’t want to be tied down to only one set of friends, and will want to make everyone feel welcome.
        colorful illustration of a child dressed as a Cancer crabcolorful illustration of a child dressed as a Cancer crab


        July 23-August 22
        Your Leo child will be valuing their one-on-one time with people this year, rather than wanting to get involved in huge group activities. They will be working to build close relationships and learning how to better compromise. They’re taking another person’s feelings into consideration, as they become less self-focused. However, your Leo may also have a rebellious streak. They won’t like being told what to do, so they may have difficulty following orders from authority figures. There will need to be a balance between acting responsibly and still being able to explore their own interests.
        colorful illustration of a child dressed as a Leo lioncolorful illustration of a child dressed as a Leo lion


        August 23-September 22
        Having a set routine will help ground your Virgo child this year. If they have a busier schedule at school, they will be learning how to structure their time. They may also want to get involved in a sport, or participate in another hobby that gets them up and moving around. They may even want to help out around the house with practical chores. In addition, your Virgo may have some eye opening learning experiences, either through travel or by reading about new subjects. However, the topics they’re interested in may constantly change from one day to the next.
        colorful illustration of a child dressed as a Virgo virgincolorful illustration of a child dressed as a Virgo virgin


        September 23-October 22
        Your Libra child is leaning into their creative side this year. They may pick up an artistic hobby, or they could be interested in acting or dancing. They will be realizing where their unique talents lie, and they may find it easier to connect with their classmates. Positive interactions with friends will help to boost their self- confidence. Your Libra will also be learning how to deal with unexpected changes in their life. They will be able to step back and gain perspective on a situation instead of immediately reacting when something doesn’t go their way.
        colorful illustration of a child balancing the Libra scalescolorful illustration of a child balancing the Libra scales


        October 23-November 21
        Over the coming year, your Scorpio child may want to spend a lot of quality time at home and with family. They might be leaning on you for support more than usual, and they could be introverted. They may also take up an interest in your family’s ancestry or want to hear stories from the past. Within their close friendships, your Scorpio may experience some surprises such as an acquaintance moving away, or new peers suddenly entering their life. They will be keeping an open mind about who they connect with though, and not closing themselves off to anyone new.
        colorful illustration of a child dressed as a Scorpio scorpioncolorful illustration of a child dressed as a Scorpio scorpion


        November 22-December 21
        Your Sagittarius child will be improving upon their communication skills this year. They might be perfecting their writing and reading abilities, and absorbing a lot of new information at once. They could also become more comfortable sharing their ideas with their peers, and learning how to better ask for what they want. However, it may be difficult for your Sagittarius to stick to the same schedule every day. Their motivation to do work and be active may come and go at random times, so try not to cram too many activities into their schedule.
        child dressed as a Sagittarius archerchild dressed as a Sagittarius archer


        December 22-January 19
        Your Capricorn child will be learning important lessons about what they value this year. They might be receiving a weekly allowance or coming to understand that they have to earn presents and rewards through good grades and hard work. They will be realizing their self-worth and not comparing themselves so much to others. In addition, your Capricorn may uncover creative skills they didn’t know they had and discover what kind of hobbies they like to do in their free time. They will feel the need to be their own person, and set themselves apart from the rest of their friends.
        colorful illustration of a child dressed as a Capricorn sea goatcolorful illustration of a child dressed as a Capricorn sea goat


        January 20-February 18
        Your Aquarian child is coming out of their shell this year. Usually lost in their own thoughts, they will suddenly be ready to tackle bigger challenges, and they will push themselves to be more outgoing and confident. They may have less time for friends though, because they will be more focused on their own projects. Your Aquarian may also experience changes at home. They could want to redecorate their bedroom, or they may just need their space to be away from everyone at times. They may even ask to reconnect with family members you haven’t seen in a while.
        colorful illustration of a child dressed as an Aquarius waterbearercolorful illustration of a child dressed as an Aquarius waterbearer


        February 19-March 20
        Your Pisces child will be keeping to themselves this year. If they don’t feel so up for socializing, don’t try to force it. As they reflect and daydream, they will be better able to figure out what they really love doing. They may also want to volunteer more or get involved in some kind of community service activity. Meanwhile, there could be changes to their curriculum at school, or they might have to keep up with lots of fast-paced learning. If your Pisces feels anxious, they will want to channel this mental energy into teaching themselves a new skill.
        colorful illustration of a child dressed as a Pisces fishcolorful illustration of a child dressed as a Pisces fish