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        Vanessa's three kids wearing masks and lying on the grass

        Beyond the Classroom

        Vanessa Oblinsky

        Mama of three boys, military wife and blogger Vanessa Oblinsky talks home school, me-time and the most important thing she's teaching her sons now.

        You’re homeschooling your three boys. How is that going? And how did you mark the transition from summer to fall?

        Honestly, it’s new territory for all of us so definitely a learning curve! Although the kids miss their school friends they’re being real good sports about it!

        The transition was a little blurry but we did the typical things we do at the end of the summer to prepare for the school year like school shopping, changing bedtimes, etc.

        What does a typical day look like?

        Wake up, get ready for school, eat breakfast and then it’s school time from 8:45am until 2pm, with some breaks in between. When school is over we typically spend time outside whether it be in the backyard, going out for sports activities or running errands! We come back for dinner, play and then bedtime!

        And what is the most important thing you hope to teach your boys in this moment?

        To never stop finding joy in the little things and know that trying your best is enough!

        Vanessa's kids working at the computer and eating berriesVanessa's kids working at the computer and eating berries

        Any tips for combining, work, play, life, school, all under one roof?

        Designated areas for each helps, and writing down a schedule on a board!

        How do you find time for yourself right now?

        Nowadays, it doesn’t happen much! But my me time is usually when the kids go to bed. I try not to carry over the to-dos I didn’t get to finish during the day and just relax!

        What is the happiest part of your day?

        Mornings! It’s a fresh new day and the opportunity to set the tone for the day! We love listening to worship music in the morning!

        Vanessa's kids playing outside and reading a bookVanessa's kids playing outside and reading a book