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        1. Le Scoop
        2. Kid Activities
        3. Arts & Crafts
        Three planters with colorful faces painted on them

        Arts & Crafts With Sally

        Easy Earth Day Crafts for Kids

        Recycling is the original glow-up. Celebrate Earth Day with these four upcycled crafts that will help teach your kids the possibility of sustainability by turning trash into treasure.

        Written By
        Sally Voyles

        Technicolor Bird Feeder

        Extend a standing dinner invitation to some new feathered friends this spring with these homemade bird feeders from Kid Made Modern. This classic Earth Day DIY is the ultimate fix-and-flip - all you need is a milk carton, some weather resistant tape, a few beads, and soon you'll be raking in the birdhome equity while giving your mini a healthy dose of avian appreciation.
        Colorful bird feed hanging from tree branch.Colorful bird feed hanging from tree branch.

        Kaleidoscopic Crayon Geodes

        Crayons - they've seen it all; battered, broken, chewed up, spit out. Bring new life to those little fallen wax soldiers with this crayon melting tutorial by Paper & Stitch. These colorful geodes and swirling planets are an easy way to introduce children to the incredible possibilities of recycling. Plus, they're easy for little hands to hold!
        Colorful geodes made of crayonsColorful geodes made of crayons

        A New Kind Of Face Plant

        Who says plants can't have personality? When a child tends to a houseplant, not only are they getting a firsthand experience with maintaining their own mini-ecosytem, but they're building a better understanding of what life can look like and the basic things we all need in order to thrive. Shift their perspective with these plants personified from Project Kid.
        Three planters with colorful faces painted on themThree planters with colorful faces painted on them

        Earth Day Signs

        Teach your mini to get scrappy and show they care with these Earth Day signs from Art Bar Blog. Using recycled cardboard and upcycled fabric, these adorable signs are a softer way to make a statement.
        Craft made with blue fabric scraps and a red heart.Craft made with blue fabric scraps and a red heart.