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        Briohny Smyth doing yoga with a beautiful view behind her

        Parent Hacks

        5 Yoga Moves to Help You Chill Out Right Now

        Even taking two minutes to yourself in the name of self-care can be beneficial, says Briohny Smyth, a yogi and lead instructor with Alo Moves. Life is tougher right now and your kids may need you more, but that doesn’t mean you need time for yourself less, she says. Luckily, you don’t need a full 90-minute session on the mat to restore and relax; yoga and meditation can help you find more patience and presence in whatever time you can manage to snag. Since we could all use a little more of that these days, we asked the mom of two (ages 16 and 7) to share her favorite moves for keeping calm right now.
        Written By
        Marnie Schwartz
        Scan for tension

        While you might have an overall, general feeling of tension and stress, figuring out how much tension you have and where you’re holding it is the first step to letting it go. Close your eyes, observe what’s going on in your mind, relax your body, and then from head to toe, scan for where you’re holding on to that stress. Then decide to let it go, and feel yourself relax.

        Stretch your neck, shoulders, or hips

        These are all places people tend to carry stress. Some simple neck rolls--moving your head in a circle clockwise and then counterclockwise--can help release some of the upper body tension, as can a quick shoulder stretch class on Alo Moves. A reclined pigeon pose can help with your hips; lay on your back with your knees bent and feet planted on the floor. Then cross one ankle over the other leg, creating a “figure four.” Reach through and around to hold the planted leg and bring it towards you while the opposite knee pushes away.

        Briohny and her son doing yoga on the beachBriohny and her son doing yoga on the beach
        Raise your legs

        Lie on your back and bring your hips as close as possible to a wall or your headboard if you’re on your bed. Walk your feet up the wall until your body is an “L” shape and hang out for a little while as you focus on your breath.

        Take a “mini shavasana”

        Skip right to the best part of yoga class. Lie down, set a timer for 10 minutes (or however long you have), and turn on a guided meditation. Look on youtube or use a meditation app, or search for one of Smyth’s classes.

        Take some deep breaths

        To relax, try a few cleansing breaths: Inhale deeply through your nose, then sigh as you release the breath through an open mouth. Do it a few times to release tension. You can also try alternate nostril breathing, where you inhale through one nostril, and then exhale through the other, and then repeat on the other side.